Oh wow. 2008 really IS 1978…According to Variety and numerous Japanese new sources, producer Yoshinobu Nishizaki has just announced a brand new Yamato project in the works for all good boys and girls. But don’t break out the Dessler Wine just yet…lifers know that “The Nish” has a habit of announcing rad things that don’t always materialize (like his master plan to buy an actual US battleship and refurbish it for a live action Yamato movie in the '80s) but we wish him the best in reassembling the old gang for One Last Job and hope that he remembers to throw down some proper LPs should he manage to cross the finish line. After all, Uncle Nish helped to popularize the Symphonic Suite; the highest form of art in the history of creation (still big today with Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest kids).
Consider, if you will, the final track from the Symphonic Suite Arrivederci Yamato, “From Yamato With Love”, which straddles classical, kayokyoku, Muzak, and genuine human emotion in a way that's suitable for a weepy walk home from a soul shaking experience in a movie theater circa ‘78 or simply as a musical accompaniment for eating a real nice tempura somewhere in Nikko.
From Yamato With Love - Symphonic Suite version
Meanwhile, over at Starblazers.com, Tim Eldred the Great and superfan Steve Harrison have just finished up an “Uchu Roman” epic of their own: an obsessive book-length look at the history of Yamato music featuring…well, just about everything! Behold weird covers, the concerts, the disco album, the Yamato / Raideen piano concerto, and best of all, translations of Nish’s immortal liner notes which continually wax rhapsodic about the power of LOVE, LOVE, and LOVE as only he can (and shall once more, hopefully).
The fun starts at the link below, but be sure to click around to make the most of it.
Smashing All Barriers - The History of Yamato Music
PS - This week marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Arrivederci Yamato. It opened on August 5, 1978...
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