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They're standing on playing cards.


Holy Mother of God.

I love Japan.

So far, I'd have to say the I was most floored by the killer plot twist at the end of "Linda."

But "Valentine Kiss" has some killer brass in it!

For those in the US that just can't handle it anymore and need a place to get it, I suggest CD Japan


Of course, you can try Tower's import section or Amazon Japan, but CD Japan is a sure thing.

Yes, there's the regular edition also available, but come on...a RING!

I can't log in myself right now, but evidence seems to indicate that a torrent is already being hosted over at dimeadozen.org.

But even after hearing all but two tracks, I still want the motherfucking ring.

>>Yes, there's the regular edition also available, but come on...a RING!

A Gosperats ring, no less.

Be careful with that ring Patrick! Only wear it on the outside of your white gloves (on your pinky). And for the love of Benny Hinn, don't wear it during daylight hours.

MY PRRRRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as usual everybody can make jokes about a peoples' suffering at the hands of racists -- except the people themselves...
thanks for making me feel stupid for buying that book about tokyo -- glad its lost somewhere in the house now... can't even enjoy looking at the maps of akihabara now thanks to seeing this
should have just made somebody get it for me for free off the net :(

If it makes you feel any better, I'm not white either!

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