Released by Nippon Columbia in 1981, the Symphonic Suite Hot Tears of Shame (subtitled "In anticipation of your insight into the future") was a rearrangement of musical themes from the original BGM soundtrack, along with new music “inspired by” the original Mysterian Dome storyline.
Performed by the Columbia Symphonic Orchestra, the record also provided the basis for semi-annual Hot Tears of Shame live performances held at the Shinjuku Koma theater in Tokyo.
Long out-of-print, this album has now been re-released as part of the publicity campaign for the upcoming “Hot Tears of Shame – The Way to Virgin Space” sequel series. It is limited to 5,000 copies and includes a collectable telephone card autographed by Alphabet Drake.
Click here to listen
Running time: 27:20
1. (Prologue) Destiny & Dialogue
2. Hymn for the New Life
3. Government of Darkness
4. Blood on the Metal Tops
5. The Girl from Mito City
6. (Space Navigation) Spase Firefly – The Prayer Star – Mystery Frequency
7. The Overtones (Letter People)
8. Premonition (Approaching the Day of Battle)
9. Peace (Passing Dream)
10. Epilogue – Future Love – Starting for Tomorrow
I felt like I was driving down the road and my radio was skipping along random channels. It's a good thing.
But nothing says GUTS like the Getta Robo opening theme. Damn. Sitting here on my computer and I STILL rock out to that, singing along. So much fucking ENERGY you feel like something has grabbed you and ZOOM!
It's not just Sasaki. Is that music by Kikuchi? I'm so ignorant.
Posted by: Steve Harrison | July 06, 2006 at 06:02 PM
Check out the slanty eyes on Steve! Yeah, the Getta Robo theme was written by Shunsuke Kikuchi with vocals by Sasaki. The same combo also did the equally energizing Casshan and Grandizer themes...
Posted by: Patrick Macias | July 10, 2006 at 11:05 AM
I got a real kick having to listen to this mix!
Being reminded of having to find a lot of those giant robot themes from a number of places in mp3 form I keep listening to over and over!
Posted by: Chris Sobieniak | July 18, 2006 at 11:52 PM
I kept waiting for the X Bomber theme to pop up while listening to this, now I'm just wondering what the actual title is for Track 8 ^^.
Either way schweet job on the mix! I may have to include Hot Tears of Shame on the list for personalized promos for R5 Central's One Year Anniversary ^_~
Posted by: Mike Dent | September 06, 2006 at 10:49 PM