The new issue of Otaku USA (number 3, for those of you keeping score) is on sale NOW. Being sick, having my laptop blow up on me, and slaving on the new issue has prevented me from shouting and screaming about it thus far. But here we are.
Glory be, this one is chock full of nuts! Two features I’m particularly proud of include interviews with director Ryuhei Kitamura and mecha designer extraordinaire Shinji Aramaki. The former uses the magazine as a platform to shoot on the Japanese film industry (studio executives are called “useless” and “stupid”) , Iron Sheik style from his new digs in Beverly Hills, while the latter, Aramaki, traces the trajectory of anime from the dawn of the OAV era with Megazone 23 to his latest cel-shaded CGI extravaganza EX MACHINA over a trough of beer and yakitori with Matt Alt.
In between come reviews and features from the likes of Daryl and Clarissa from Anime World Order, Mike Dent of R5 Central, Dave Riley of Fast Karate For the Gentleman, Paul Thomas Chapman of The Greatest Movie EVER, Ed Chavez of Mangacast, and last, but not least, Joey Coco Luster of Robotronic Dynomite! Also, a great big bunch of manga and fujoshi reviews from Shaenon Garrity and Mr. “Manga The Complete Guide” Jason Thompson. With talent this terrifying, it almost doesn't matter what they're writing about, but it had to be pure nerd heroin anyways: Japanese cartoons, toys, comic books, TV games, and such.
We're awesome, you're awesome. Now's the time to have faith in what we can do!