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Don't scare me like that!

What else would I listen to every 3-6 months?!

Hey, I was the random guy that met you near Market street the other day, sorry about accosting you like that. The podcast is the best! It's been so long since I lived in Tokyo, only your cynical commentary can get me in the proper mindset to recall the gaijin life, at least until I can con some company into putting me up for a work visa and get a job out there again. Congrats on going viral or whatever the hell it is when people parrot you endlessly for a week before the internet behemoth moves on.

Hey Brian,

Thanks for saying hi! Sincerely sorry I didn't have more time to talk. Next time, I'll try and accost YOU on the street!

Of course, it was Kotaku who said it, but I believe I was the person who coined "Hot Tears of Shame"--back when it was going to be a neo-roman porno about the old dude recycling the cardboard under the bridge in Nihonmachi. Of course, it was Patrick who actually took the phrase and did something cosmic with it.

Hey Carl,

I'm going to dig out the old Word 98 document that contains the original outline for the Hot Tears of Shame project. I definitely coined the phrase back then and immediately had Izumi translate it as "Haji no Atsui Namida". Next thing you know, someone is going to try and name a new soft drink "Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno"!

Hmm...why would I think that I had come up with it? Skandal they say! I definitely remember discussing it with you. It had to have that Nikkatsu sound, which is sort of like the Stax sound, but with more knotwork.

I think it was because you were there at the moment of creation and the only person I ever showed the document to, aside from Izumi who just rolled her eyes thinking, "get back to work."

Also, I'll love you till the end of time, but the record shows when given the chance you tend to title things after a.) Nirvana songs b.) Bible quotes and c.) Geto Boys. In fact, that's why people like you! You give good quote.

So basically, fuck no. You didn't come up with the name. I did.

Why would I ask you to name my imaginary Japanese porno movie and subsequent podcast, anyways? And who is writing the doujinshi article for the next issue?

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