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Man...I remember the first time seeing that catalog was with my Gatchaman Eagle Sharp. It STILL gets me all tingly down there...

Dear Sir, please send me one of each of the items pictured in your catalog.

I saw the DX Leopardon back in, I think, 1979 and fell in love with it. Someday I will own one.

And those are the first pics I've ever seen of the Popinica Lupin III cars. Lovely, lovely. Looks so much in the spirit of what Corgi and Dinky were doing in the UK at the time.

So when is Bandai via the Megahouse or Aoshima sub companies gonna whip out the Starzinger revival toys?

This shit is more powerful than Shakeys.

P.S. Current most expensive toy pictured in that catalog? Lupin's Mercedes SSK. Sucker goes for serious loot ($1000+) when it shows up in mint condition:


One Thousand Dollars....well, the obvious answer is to spend a few million devising elaborate devices and plans to break in and steal it, I think...

I assume one of the reasons it's pricey is that every Japanese kid who had one promptly drove it off a 'cliff', smashed into a 'building'. had several accidents with other cars and otherwise played with it like mad.

And if they were anything like me, promptly (and stupidly) tried to remove the little figure from the car. I have a number of beloved Corgi and Dinky toys with their small rubbery drivers removed (Batman! where are you?), so sad, so devalued in the marketplace.

Dammit all, I want those Message from Space toys.

And Shakeys is some powerful shit, Matt.

One of my favorite toys is still my Starzingers Cosmos Queen (not pictured). A "revisioned" Starzingers would not surprise me one iota.

Gah, my mint-in-box Liabe-go is in storage. I really want the big size Quonto, too.

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