The January release of Quantum of Solace in Japan means that super-spy-movie tie-up madness has begun in earnest. Would-be secret agents can now enjoy covert sips of MI-6 approved Coca Cola Zero Zero and skilfully blend into the background of the nearest pachinko parlor in any number of new 007 Japan collaboration T-shirts. It's like, "Bond and Beyond".
50 limited edition shirts from 12 brands will be available in all including items from Shibuya 109's much-loved moussy and designs overseen by the Men's Non-No mafia. But right now, the heavy hitters are coming from host/dandy/gigolo clothiers VANQUISH. Their trio of shirts show them to be staunch Connery purists and skillfully mix up the sex and snobbery side of Our Man's screen exploits with Shinjuku back alley street playboy style...yet only the Big Three (Dr. No, Goldfinger, Thunderball) are represented. Maybe they thought that You Only Live Twice was "too oriental"? Then again, we're talking bikini Ursula, Domino, and Aston Martin shirts here.
The shirts can be purchased at brand stores or on-line. They are not cheap. International shipping is unlikely at best (even from Universal Exports). You can view all the currently available designs here.
Bonus semi-related fun facts from imdb trivia:
"Sean Connery caused
quite a commotion with the Japanese press when he revealed that he
didn't find Japanese women sexy. This later turned out to be a
misinterpretation due to incorrect translation, and took place on a day
when Connery was exhausted after an intensive day's filming. Never
overly keen on doing interviews, Connery didn't go out of his way to be
too personable with the interviewer who was aghast that the actor
showed up in a casual T-shirt with baggy trousers and sandals. "Is this
how James Bond dresses?" he asked, to which Connery replied tersely 'I'm not James Bond, I'm Sean Connery, a man who likes to dress comfortably.'"
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