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wow damn lol. now thats what you were talking about in the podcasts haha.

This is like "Jaws" by way of Umezu Kazuo.

Patrick Macias, posting stuff like this is why I love you.

We need a comic of Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus too.

Holy jeepers! That nekkid lady done bought it!

Boobs + sharks = gooder.

No boobs, but the Marvel Jaws 2 adaptation blew my mind as a Slurpee swilling kid at the local 7-11. Art by the Tomb of Dracula dream-team of Gene Colan and Tom Palmer!



I miss sound effects in comics....

The second color page is gorgeous.

A little more of that opening sequence? No? Damn. Depicting children dying violently is OK, as long as we only see the less emotive leg-half of it. Adults can get the full eye-popping treatment, though.

Where can I get this comic? I am looking for this one for several years? Maybe a rerelease would be great in english??

Best regards,


I'm probably going to put this up for auction when I get back to the US in mid-Jan. There are bigger JAWS fans than me that deserve to fight over it. I'll announce it when it goes up.

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