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It's a shame I can't attend(opposite side of the country), as the panel is top-notch, and how often do you get to hear from someone who actually grew up in Japan watching this stuff, and probably had a Shounen Kamen Rider-Tai uniform to boot? That said, a Hot Tears of Shame recap (or something similar) would be most welcome, as every Tokusatsu podcast out there gets sidetracked into inane discussions of video games, anime, or recaps of what they did at some lame convention in excruciating detail.

I really wish I could go to this, but I'm in the same boat as the person above. Admission is $10? Hmmm... I would be willing to pay $10 on itunes or some such service to download a video/audio recording of the show. Something to consider?

Patrick, I think you should do another TokyoScope book and devote it entirely to Japanese Superheroes.

Really enjoyed the talk last night, thanks.

Thanks for coming!

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