Where the Indo Curry lipgloss is, that’s where I am taking refuge, hidden on the second floor. A whole world here dim with frosted windows so I can't see the tenants next door, mere feet away. Out somewhere in hazy west Tokyo...Taxidermy store across from a mansion that is not a “mansion”. Closed now, but the windows glow from within at night. Owl, raven, fawn, and cat rattle around on their stands when minor earthquake strikes. But for now, just watching passerby’s limping by in yet another series of light showers. In Shibuya earlier, everything is grey and black. Few are willing to brave the rain. Giant Popteen cover atop the 109 building forms a leyline, destined to weaken, with the 109-2 down the block. The campaign there promises a Scandalous X-mas (photoshopped schoolgirls wielding guitars) but all we see inside is a bumbling bespeckled security guard. He shuffles a stack of Floor Guides, sorts them out, and pats them down to align them in some configuration of all conquering tidiness. Mean faces speed walk at the intersection. There’s no more umbrellas left anywhere.