Tokyo, Japan, December 28. 2010 – Yuu Asakawa (voice actress, Azumanga Daioh, Love Hina) and Patrick Macias (Editor, Otaku USA magazine) are the featured hosts of Otaku-Verse Zero, a new English language series from web TV network K’zStation.
Updated weekly and filmed in Tokyo, Otaku-Verse Zero aims to bring “otaku all over the universe” fun and lively coverage of anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture.
Episode five, now available for viewing on-line, features Patrick and Yuu’s report on the Asakusa Meigaza movie theater: an authentic grindhouse-style cinema that screens daily triple bills of old-school samurai and yakuza pictures. Patrick marvels at the Meigaza’s projection room and rummages through a collection of rare movie posters, while Yuu talks about her favorite films and gives advice on where to see real yakuza gangsters in Japan.
About K’zStation
Based in Tokyo, Japan, K’zStation is a web TV channel that provides original content to two million viewers a month. Their programming features some of Japan’s top comedians, voice actors, and idols including SKE48.
Updated weekly and filmed in Tokyo, OTAKU-VERSE ZERO aims to bring “otaku all over the universe” fun and lively coverage of anime, manga, and Japanese culture.
Episode four, now available for viewing on-line, features Patrick and Yuu’s report on Tokyo’s Asakusa ward. Patrick explores the traditions of the Kannon Temple, originally founded in the 7th century, and runs amok through the tacky tourist trap of the Asakusa Nakamise in search of a suitable gift to impress his co-host. But is Yuu likely be impressed by what he finds there?
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