Those nasty boys are at it again! Patrick Macias, Matt Alt, and Andy Szymanski encounter Godzilla on the mythical island of Umihotaru in Tokyo Bay.
Video taken at Bandai's Tamashii Nations 2011 event in Akihabara Tokyo on 11/24/2011. Up first is the S.H.MonsterArts showroom filled with Godzilla figures, and then the ULTRA-ACT room.
Video taken at Bandai's Tamashii Nations 2011 event in Akihabara. Tokyo on 11/24/2011. Includes figures from "Tiger & Bunny", "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", and others.
Patrick Macias, Matt Alt, and Andy Szymanski fight for YOUR honor as they flip through an old Japanese movie book all about Best Kid 2: The Moment of Truth (AKA Karate Kid 2). Also includes 7 reasons why Karate Kid 2 is better than Karate Kid 1.
Patrick Macias and Matt Alt visit "stamina" restaurant Asa Dachi-ya ("Morning Wood") to feast on grilled salamander washed down with pit viper booze.
Patrick Macias and Matt Alt attack the Akihabara Culture Zone in search of rare garage kits, action figures, plastic models, and Choudenji Yo-Yos...
Victoria Holden and Patrick Macias go to the ends of the earth to acquire an "I am T-Pain Microphone" in time for this Friday's episode of THE LIVE SHOW @ crunchyroll.
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