utomaru is an illustrator and designer who dishes out eye-popping color and dazzling line work. Powered by generations of Japanese subculture, ‘80s anime and manga, with a generous helping of American superhero comics, her work feels nostalgic, familiar, and contemporary at the same time. Maybe best of all, her portraits of imaginary cute girls come without cavets and are free of the pretention that sometimes bogs down otaku-inspired art from Japan. The big picture is that a new generation is inheriting and remixing the past, and the results are close to literal eye candy as you are likely to get.
I'm utomaru. I'm an illustrator and a graphic designer. Yuko Motoki is my real name but my friends call me utomaru. It's been my nickname since I was 15.
When did you start drawing?
Probably since I was 4 years old. I began to study illustration and graphic design in earnest and eventually went to art college and I began to do design for some minor rock bands from when I was15 years old.
Tell us about one of your favorite illustrations that you have done.
I always think my best artwork is my newest one. Right now, I like my illustration of Iron Man (above) that was created for an event flyer. But it is hard to show off proudly because it is unofficial. Another one I like is an illustration of a girl wearing a rabbit helmet. I painted it for the cover of the book by my and finished it the day before yesterday.
What are some of the influences on your artwork?
My father was my biggest influence. He owned many magazines, comics, and movies from the 1960s to the 1980s, and they greatly affected me. He didn’t dare give them to me, but they were always put in a position where I could see them and handle them.
Do you have any favorite films, TV shows, or books you can mention?
It is a very difficult question. Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining” is special to me the way it is for many other people.
Also, I like the movie director Teruo Ishii. Often to relieve stress from school, I would go to Japanese grindhouse theaters and see his films. I also like flashy movies that have cruelty, monsters, and lots of explosions.
I know that American superhero comics are among your favorite things. Can you explain why you like them so much?
I think, it was slow. That is from 18 years old probably. I have read Japanese magazine about American comics called "MARVEL X", and also I have found "INFINITY GAUNTLET". It's soooo amazing! It was trigger. Few years later, I read Watchmen that has been republished to fit the movie then and I was shocked again.
Your illustrations have a strong 1980s flavor. What is it about that time period that appeals to you?
A lot of movies and Comics in 1980s are very energetic, violently and flashy. (Is it just me or is it really so...? Probably some are sober but I love something extreme.) This are my favorite. I would like to recreate the atmosphere of those.
Why do you think you mainly draw pictures of cute girls?
Because it's cute! Cute girl is the best motif than anything else. But, to be honesty, I also like boys or old man. However I just have not had a chance to draw until now.
Your use of color is one of the most striking things about your art. How do you choose which colors to use?
It's not a natural ability. I alaways make color selection mechanically based on hue, saturation, and brightness. Because I studied it in school. I think anyone could do it.
Please tell us about your brand Bangkillporn and how you are involved with it.
I began Bangkillporn in May of last year with another illustrator named Superlog. We are illustrators, but because we didn’t necessarily have a lot of work, we came up with Bangkillporn to be kind of an advertisement for ourselves.
What does the word "otaku" mean to you?
The meaning of this word has become lighter now. But, but in the truest sense, it means few people who are familiar with everything. An extremely small number of them are around me.
What is your image of American otaku?
Everyone is good at First Person Shooters! Why? Because they have guns?