Ok, saw WORLD WAR G… firmly wound up in the “boring characters + not enough Godzilla = hard to care” camp. Sort of knew from having seen MONSTERS that things would go in this direction, but didn’t really anticipate how much standing around staring at nothing, mouth breathing, and automatically written dialogue there really would be. I could sense the good intentions and reverence underneath, but the focus is forever in the wrong place and the balance is always off. And when the “fun” happens, instead of working up a genuine sense of wonder, there’s just Legendary Pictures’ continued insistence on pulverizing destruction (MAN OF STEEL) and on-the-nose topical references to recent events (Nolan’s BATMAN movies). Yes, there are some cool shots (ok, like 3 of them) of some big humanoid thing doing some big cool kaiju stuff, but nothing to hold onto: just 30 min of falling debris and concrete slabs. Even the little kid in me would not be OK with that and would probably just prefer a Slurpee and the Marvel comic. The Monster is Zero.
Wow. Can't remember much of this issue before. I guess they dared defy Ken Watanabe's words: "thinking nature is in man's control instead of the other way around."
Posted by: Darren | June 11, 2014 at 02:56 AM
Just by watching the snippets from the CinemaSins video on it, I have to say I would have disliked this film passionately. Just like the '98 Godzilla and Bay's Transformers movies, there is too much focus on the ordinary humans with the monsters/robots merely making cameos in their own films. This is why Hollywood and major studios should not be trusted to handle such movies which mainly star non-humans. Hell, Pixar would have done a better job with handling Godzilla.
Posted by: Alesand | October 03, 2014 at 11:04 AM